What on earth is Operation Skinny Cow?

Operation Skinny Cow was born after a few of us in Blogland decided it might be nice to lose some weight and/or get a bit fitter. We decided it would be even nicer if we encouraged each other along the way.

You can read about how it started in this post.

If you want to be part of the fun and add your own posts to this blog then send an e-mail to Emily Sue at reachingforgreen@gmail.com and she'll set you up as an author.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

wake up!

OK, so since I seem to be taking over this blog (hello, where'd everybody go?) I'd just like to report that according to my doctor, I have lost a whopping 21 cm from around my waist.

21 cm!

Yes, I did celebrate with a milestone purchase. Oh yes indeedy I did.

And, I just snuck under another '0' number.


I am so terribly sorry for going! (Givinya)

I am so sorry I've been MIA. Truth be told, while I am breastfeeding I am trying not to pig out but failing miserably and trying to pretend Skinny Cow doesn't exist. Or at least, trying to pretend I AM one.

About a month ago (like THAT counts) my post-baby weight was 65kg. Proving what I said - pregnancy agrees with me. That would leave only 5kg to my goal weight. Remember I started at 69ish, okay 70ish, okay once I got pregnant I was 71ish and headed on up to the high point which was 74.4.

And I swear I started feeling thinner except for the Growing Joseph Inside - losing fat from my upper body and possibly elsewhere, not that you'd notice with the Growing Joseph Inside.

Then the Growing Joseph Inside became the Growing Joseph Outside and once the metaphorical dust had settled, I found I was in fact 65ish.


Now here's my problem. Breastfeeding makes me RAVENOUS and it doesn't take the weight off like they say. They lie.

Watch me head on up, unable to curb my desire to eat a double-sized portion of food each meal of the day.

Depressing. So depressing that I've been avoiding Skinny Cow, and so depressing I will backdate this post an hour so as not to bump Rhubarb's post from the top of the page because let's face it, she's putting in effort and getting huge results, and we all want to be encouraged by that! Go Rhubarb!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

the shrinking of rhubarb

Today, I went shopping. Just a quick whip around to generic clothes shops for some T shirts and tops to wear about the place, since I am down to about 6 items of clothing suitable for public viewing.

I picked up everything in a size 'M'. It fits. Something went back for being too big. Even my DD cup bazookas went into an 'M' dress.

I am in awe.

I have a way (weigh?) to go... but it's getting there. Now my skin needs ironing.