So, given all your activity of late, I doubt you'll remember one of the things I said in my last post: "I'll keep you updated on my progress." I certainly forgot it completely!
I've been chugging along, splurging more than I should but still less than I used to. I've got a nice winter-belly-baby going, but the rest of me is the same. So, let's pretend I haven't neglected my posting promise for the last few months, and start over.
Last time, I weighed: 71.1
Current Weight: 71.6
Weight change since last time: a gain of 500 grams
What I'll do now: Stop being such a food pushover.
You know when you finally learn that
when your housemate/husband/girlfriends offer you that piece of cake/chocolate ice cream/Cadbury creme egg, you are within your legal rights to turn it down
and you feel liberated, like suddenly it's actually your decision?
I learned that two years ago, and instituted a No Sugar in Public Rule (NSPR), which basically meant all my sweet things were sweet things I actually wanted to eat, and fit into my food points. It worked wonders (the decision being already made for me) and I lost more weight than usual. But I seem to have forgotten again.
But now I remember. This week, when my housemates offer me junk, I have often turned it down. Watch this:
Georgeous housemate: I'm going to have a crunchie.
Other georgeous housemate: Oooh, me too! Manda, do you want one?
Me: No thanks.
O.G.Housemate (cheerfully): Yeah, I thought you wouldn't.
What just happened? Are things turning around? Am I finally getting to a point where I'm actually going to do something about my Winterbaby?
(Note: this is the first step of many that must occur for me to get to my goal. It doesn't matter how much I turn down from others if I pig out alone.)
Oh, and one more thing:
Modified, realistic goal for winter: 68 kilos. That means I have to lose just under three kilos over the next two months.
Whoops, and one more note: I am holding off on the NSPR for the moment - just turning down more of the 10 desserts offered to me in an average week.
Things I won't work with
10 years ago
Good plan and great to see you back among us.
I hope the winterbaby decides to leave because there's just not enough sweet food to make it worthwhile for him/her/it to stick around.
I have the opposite problem. It's what I eat by myself when no-one's watching that's the hassle.
Welcome Back Manda! I too have been neglecting to write-in, for fear that people might think I'm trying to "diet" while pregnant. (I'm not dieting, just trying to eat sensibly. The Cowgirls would understand me, but other readers might not.)
Like your NSPR - maybe I should try it. NFPR (No Fat...) would help me too. Hmph. Yeah right, like I could do that without stretching it to NEPR (No Eating in Public Rule.)
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