I told you I wouldn't, and I haven't, and I still have no desire to.
But (and this is a big but - perhaps even bigger than mine) I have been trying to eat better (although with no actual plan) and I have started rowing again.
I started with 5 mins with stretches fore and aft (and sideways too), and have been working it up slowly. After hitting the 10 minute mark with no total muscle stiffness-to-the-point-of-pain I've jumped up to 15 and then 20 minutes this morning. I'm aiming to get back to my 30 minutes, preferably 3 or 4 times a week.
On the other hand, I haven't been walking regularly. The LBD did enjoy one afternoon out, but I haven't got enthusiastic again. I must because it does wonders for my mental health; the LBD enjoys it; and it is after all physical activity.
When I'm up to doing 30 mins on the rowing machine I'm going to start pestering my Beloved to fix my bike's brake so that I might be able to do some of my everyday trips on bike rather than car. My town is only about 10 minutes in the car to anywhere - and the time wasting part is getting into the car and finding a park at the other end. I can walk to town in 30 minutes, and the bike is somewhere between. Exercise that is incidental to daily routine is much better for me - and it would be excellent to be riding a bike that has brakes on both the front and rear wheels, rather than just the front (particularly when I consider the hill I live on).
So whilst I'm still holding out on the actual weighing thing, I am doing some things that might help in the reduction of Jen prior to that deadline. Two more Saturdays to go...
Had one of those moments earlier this week. Was going to a funeral and wanted to wear my good suit pants. They are very snug. Mum suggested yesterday that I probably shouldn't be wearing them, because I might split the seams (thanks, Mum) but I had nothing else good enough to wear to a funeral. So there definitely needs to be less of Jen. I'm just hoping by weigh-in day I'm under the scary big round number that I don't want to think about.
Fingers crossed.