My plans have changed a little over the last month or so. I continue to aim to lose weight, but I am equally concerned now with developing good eating habits.
(Are you rolling your eyes? Stop that! Let me expand on it a bit first).
My biggest goal remains to break the hold food has in my head. This doesn't simply mean gluttony - it refers to the way I idolise food, waiting for the next morsel, daydreaming about dinner, an so on.
My housemate is obsessed with a book about Intuitive Eating. The thoery is, your body craves things it needs (or at least it will, once you start listening to it). So eating what you crave when you crave it - and not eating more than what will satisfy you - teaches you to eat the way your body needs you to. I'm not 100% sold on the theory, but it's not a bad idea: eating only what you need to eat, knowing that if you're hungry, you can get more later... satisfying cravings by having a little, rather than defying them by eating lots of other foods you don't crave.
So now, I'm eating when I'm hungry, and I'm eating the things I'm hungry for. Sounds simple, right? Well, in all my previous food habits (eat all you can and don't care about the consequences / eat exactly what will fit into the Weight Watchers plan and never anything else / eat mostly what will fit into the plan but be a tiny bit more relaxed) this has never occurred to me!
Weight: 71:8
Goal: 70
Weight to goal: 1.8 kilos
Time to get to goal: as long as I want! As long as I'm eating good food that I want to eat, I'm not too fussed about the timing.
Interesting option - I'm interested to see how it goes. My problem is that once I start on the craved food I can't stop. So it seems that intuitive eating would take more willpower. Let us know how you find it.
My problem is that "good food" and "food I want to eat" are not always in the same category.
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