I'm doing it again. You know, checking in once a year to apologise for being absent and assert my plans to stick around this time.
New plan / incentive: I'm in a competition with my best friend K and her mom, A. We each have a goal (mine is to lose 5 kilos, K is losing 5 and A is going for 7, but weighs more and thus should find it equally challenging).
The fun twist: The winner (the closest to goal on June 25th, or the first one to reach the goal before that) is paid $80 and $60 dollars by the people who come second and third, respectively.
This is cool, because going to Weight Watchers would cost more than that, but I think the incentive of having $140 dollars to spend in whatever I want is going to spur me on a little more than WW would. And we're going to support each other by exercising together occasionally, so it's friendly and spurry.
So, goal: lose 5 kilos, going from 74.5 to 69.5, the lowest weight I'll ever have been since I started weighing myself
- keep running (you heard me, running! I can actually do it now, albeit not as well as an actual runner friend would), playing sport, rockclimbing;
- portion control, occasional treats, love food, concentrate on enjoying what I eat
Oh, and to make up for not being present for a year, I'll be extra-present and include a picture of what I look like now.
Things I won't work with
10 years ago
Great to see you back!!! Good luck on those goals, too. I think the idea of paying someone $60 or $80 would spur me on, too!
I think you look gorgeous and you don't have flabby arms. If we keep walking (having done it exactly once) we'll both be gorgeous in no time.
No, scrap that. We're gorgeous anyway. We'll just be a bit thinner.
Awww :)
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