What on earth is Operation Skinny Cow?

Operation Skinny Cow was born after a few of us in Blogland decided it might be nice to lose some weight and/or get a bit fitter. We decided it would be even nicer if we encouraged each other along the way.

You can read about how it started in this post.

If you want to be part of the fun and add your own posts to this blog then send an e-mail to Emily Sue at reachingforgreen@gmail.com and she'll set you up as an author.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Weigh In (Emily Sue)

Last week: 74.2kg
Today: 74.4kg
Difference: 200g gain
Total loss: 2.6kg

Err... oops. Oh, excuses. I haz them. I regularly take strong iron tablets and in the last few days I've been taking codeine for a sore tooth (and will continue to do so until my appt on Tuesday). These two things combined have had the effect of backing things up somewhat, if you know what I mean. And my period is due soon.

These things are true. But I also know I wasn't quite as careful about what I ate and even though I was within my points I wasn't making good food choices. And all exercise was incidental, not deliberate. And now I'm starting all my sentences with conjunctions...

Anyway, not to worry. It would have been good to see a loss but 200g isn't much and I'll be back on track this coming week.


Givinya De Elba said...

Nevermind! If I cut my nails and shaved my legs I'd be halfway there towards a 200g loss, there's not a lot in it. I love starting sentences with conjunctions. But you know that, partly because you read my blog, and partly because I just did!

And iron tablets! Things go really funky when you're on them. Once I weighed myself before and after a productive time in the bathroom if you get my drift (just for the sake of pure interest) and the loss was 300g. So there you go.

(Following that last paragraph, I am restraining myself from saying 'Holy Crap.')

Hippomanic Jen said...

Givinya has me laughing. But I shouldn't because people in glass houses should not be hurling projectiles of any kind what-so-ever. We BOTH put on 200g and you have more reasons for it.

Emily Sue said...

No, I have more EXCUSES! :D