What on earth is Operation Skinny Cow?

Operation Skinny Cow was born after a few of us in Blogland decided it might be nice to lose some weight and/or get a bit fitter. We decided it would be even nicer if we encouraged each other along the way.

You can read about how it started in this post.

If you want to be part of the fun and add your own posts to this blog then send an e-mail to Emily Sue at reachingforgreen@gmail.com and she'll set you up as an author.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Darn (Givinya)

Tonight I let myself have three squares of Nestle Club - my favourite chocolate.  I rarely eat any other type of chocolate because I've been spoiled by Nestle Club.

Three squares.  That's so restrained and self-controlled, isn't it?  So health-conscious.  So ... "good".

Turns out, that's 18% of your RDI of saturated fats.


I feel like a bowl of corn chips to commiserate.

(But I won't.)


Emily Sue said...

Pfft. 18%... that still leaves you a whole 82% for the day. Go have another square. :D

(What do you mean I'm not helping??)

Hippomanic Jen said...

I think that's restrained. but then you haven't seen what I was eating last week!

Loony Lace Lady said...

I don;t plan on giving up my 3 squares of dark choc per day. I believe that all the goodies in there are very beneficial. Choc is a part of life and counts very little in diet.