What on earth is Operation Skinny Cow?

Operation Skinny Cow was born after a few of us in Blogland decided it might be nice to lose some weight and/or get a bit fitter. We decided it would be even nicer if we encouraged each other along the way.

You can read about how it started in this post.

If you want to be part of the fun and add your own posts to this blog then send an e-mail to Emily Sue at reachingforgreen@gmail.com and she'll set you up as an author.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Weigh-In Wednesday (Eizelby)

Last week: 71.9kg
Yesterday: 71.2kg
So: A loss of 0.7kg

I keep repeating "slow and steady wins the race" in my head.  I guess it's my mantra in this.

Something I didn't realise last weigh-in that is worth mentioning: I now have a BMI of 25, which means I'm back in the healthy weight range for my height!  Better still, though I haven't lost so much weight in terms of measurement, I feel lighter.  During the extreme pervasive heat of last week, I was feeling pretty gross and heavy, and not motivated to lose weight at all.  I was not, in fact, exercising, because to even stand was a chore.  But since the weather has cooled somewhat, I'm left feeling more energetic and comfortable in my own skin.

I still haven't set foot in a gym this year.  According to my plan I should have already gone three times, but unfortunately as yet I have not worked up the courage.  This is my challenge for the week: to go to the gym and actually do some kind of workout.

Except for the no-gym thing, I am going fairly well with the plan; I've been walking a lot since the 40+ degree heat ended, I went to the pool this week, I have been trying to eat lower GI foods.  I guess I can take pride in the little number at the top of this post because it is a result of a lifestyle overhaul!  However, I know the hardest thing will be keeping up with it after the kilos have gone.  I'll just wait until it's a reality to think about that issue.


Femina said...

Slow and steady not only wins the race, it makes you more likely to keep the weight off in the long term so you should be very happy with this result. Lifestyle change is what it's about, not just weight loss.

I'll happily nag YOU about the gym if you nag ME. I haven't been for weeks and I can't even use the heat as too much of an excuse since the gym is FAR cooler than my house.

Hippomanic Jen said...

Good on you with the weight loss! 700g is pretty good, and the fact that you're changing lifestyle is even better.

Just wondering - you don't sound motivated to go to the gym. Is there another form of exercise that you LIKE, or one that is less troublesome (eg transport, time to get there)? Maybe you actually do like the gym, just need motivation.

I've fallen in love with my little rowing machine because it was cheap (the equivalent of 6 months gym membership locally - we were a little tight financially last year with Hubby starting a new business) and I can do it any time (while I'm watching TV), with no special clothes, and without having to leave home. It was the least impact on lifestyle exercise option.

This doesn't work for everybody - some people need people, or a scheduled appointment, or a range of equipment so that their brain has stimulation.

The other option for me was to look at something I would ENJOY doing - ballroom dancing, swimming, horse riding. Didn't really have time or finances to do these often enough to make a difference.

Just a thought - take it or leave it. And all the best with getting your exercise quota, however it ends up working for you!

Eizelby said...

Thanks HJ, that's actually really great advice. I guess I did lose sight of the fact that exercise doesn't have to be an awful experience! I love going for long walks, but with the weather I have been forsaking them to instead sit in front of the air conditioner and vegetate.

Your rowing machine sounds GREAT, and really seems to work for you; we all just need to find a way that suits us I suppose.

I think I'll try one gym workout class thing and then rethink the whole gym-for-me situation. There are a lot of forms of exercise that I find enjoyable - among them those that you listed - so I might look into more varied ways to burn off that fat!

And Femina, now that I have your permission, I will endeavour to nag you as much as possible. Or perhaps just occasionally, for your sake.