What on earth is Operation Skinny Cow?

Operation Skinny Cow was born after a few of us in Blogland decided it might be nice to lose some weight and/or get a bit fitter. We decided it would be even nicer if we encouraged each other along the way.

You can read about how it started in this post.

If you want to be part of the fun and add your own posts to this blog then send an e-mail to Emily Sue at reachingforgreen@gmail.com and she'll set you up as an author.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Keep on Walkin' (Givinya)

Before Christmas, I stepped on the scales and saw my first 64 number - 64.9kg!  I ate more than I should have over Christmas, and then I spent a fair bit of time with various in-laws.  They have these waistline-killing things - one is called "Morning Tea" and the other is "Afternoon Tea."

We have our own version of MT and AT at our place, but it's not quite as waistline-killing as the MTs and ATs you have at my in-laws' places.

They are all skinny people and have NEVER needed to worry about their weight, any of them.  They eat SMALL helpings of healthy main meals, probably because MT and AT fill them all the way up.

They drink cordial, tea, coffee or juice.  And they eat cakes, sweets, slices, muffins and cupcakes, usually with icing.

Drat them.  The reason I don't have that stuff in the house is because I have no restraint.

And umm, In-Laws, just because it's all home-baked doesn't mean you're consuming LESS sugar and butter.  No siree Bob.

So the other day I got on the scales and saw another 67-ish number (sigh).  Then today I get on the scales and see 64.9 again!  Greatly encouraged, I went for a long walk with the naughty dog.  (To school and back, unencumbered!  11 minutes there, 10 minutes 48 seconds home!) 

When I got back I had a shower, and with the water I sweated out and the clothes I'd discarded, I was sure I'd weigh less but the scales said nearly 3 kilos more!!


Yes, Hip-Jen's psychotic free scales are determined to remove the last shreds of my God-given sanity.

Smoochy Girl came to join me, and we had another weighing-in session similar to last time.  Her weight remained steady, while mine fluctuated every time it was my turn to step on the scales.  By the way, she used to be  9.4 kilograms, and now she's 12.  Humph.  Weight gain is exciting for the little ones.

So what do I know?  That I am not gaining weight as quickly as my little girl (good.)  That I might be possibly 64.9ish kg.  Or 67ish.  Or 66ish.  Or something.  But not 74ish, like 6 months ago, but then, losing weight after a baby is hardly an achievement.  For me though, not gaining like a blimp while breastfeeding is an ahcievement, so I will feel happy about that for the time being.

A note about the bread:  I am loving my new approach to bread!  Most days I'd have zero or one slices, and on the days I have two I am SO GLAD I have my heavy grainy bread!  I love it!

Now I am back after the Christmas Food At The In-Laws' Debacles, I can get back into the things I was loving before Christmas - my grainy bread, my walking, and my healthy eating.  And not having rubbish food on the house!


Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

don;t you hate in laws like that? I feel that pain. I love them but damn if they weren't all so thin!

Femina said...

My skinny sister always has a pantry full of chips and M&Ms, and a freezer full of ice cream. There are healthy things too but who worries about that when there are M&Ms???

Good on you for the walking. And please buy some decent scales! ;) (FWIW, I often weigh heavier just after exercise...)

Hippomanic Jen said...

Okay, so enough with the thanks for the free scales! I know, you probably have enough things to blog about, but hey, the scales are hilarious (apart from giving you Op Skinny Cow cover during the early stages of pregnancy). You think that I don't know that you secretly love them? So much so that when you get your own non-psychotic set you'll probably keep these as a comparison?