I have some happy numbers, but I was expecting to lose more centimeters. I've been feeling so slim that I was expecting more. Maybe it's just that new shirt I was wearing.
I've lost another 400gms this week. That's a sustainable rate of loss and I'm happy with it. I've heard that a kilo a week isn't actually good - it's too fast. Mind you, I have no problem with that in the weeks that it actually happens.
That's 4.5 kilos overall, and I'm quite happy with that. We started about a month ago, didn't we? I'm impressed with myself.
The part that amuses me is that I also measure my circumference at strategic points, which gives me an idea of what size of clothes I'll be headed for. The thing is, some of the points are difficult to get straight or find the exact same place every week.
I'm going with that theory because some of my measurements go up and down. Of course, some things (bust and tum?) are going to work up to a certain point, then do a drastic reduction about 13 times a year. That could explain the fact that I've lost nothing around my tum in the same week my waist took a 2 cm dive? Or that I've stacked on 2 cm in the bust this week?
It almost seems as if one week I'll lose a significant amount from one place, to find that the very same number of centimeters have been redistributed across a few of the other places. Matter is neither created, nor destroyed and all that. Except that every bit of me has lost centimeters during the last month, so maybe despite the fact that the universe resists the destruction of matter, I'm winning.
I'm particularly impressed with my waist measurement. I always used to have a waist. It's coming back, and I like that concept. I don't know if all the TV stations have been airing the latest health warnings we've been getting about women's waists should definitely be below 88 cms and better still below 80cms. Today mine is right on the 88cms and that is the best it's been since January 2005. I feel healthier already.
P.S. my parents and grandparents have provided a solution for my 'don't work out your weight in pounds' thing. In the 'olden days' they used to weigh people in stones. There are 14 pounds to a stone, so it would end up a much, much smaller number. I like that concept. Therefore, as of this morning I weigh about 11 & 1/4 stone. Nah, it doesn't work for me because I have no point of comparison. Worth a try, though.
Things I won't work with
10 years ago
Congratulations Jen!
All those measurements sound pretty complicated! Well done for being so thorough.
Sometimes feeling slim is just as good as seeing it in the numbers. (Or better...)
Congratulations! Feeling slim is great - who cares what the numbers say so long as you know you feel better and healthier?
Yes, but what if feeling slim is all in my mind? I always get a shock when I catch a glimpse of myself in anything that gives a full-length reflection, so I obviously ALREADY think I'm thinner than I am - I need numbers as objective evidence.
Gimme numbers, Gimme numbers - Happy numbers!
But it is good to feel slimmer and healthier - part of it is probably that I let everything hang out when I measure, but after I've been rowing I normally stand taller and suck my tum in. - And I found a green T-shirt that does wonders for me.
I guess you'll know it's all in your mind if you feel a lot slimmer but you still can't do up your jeans.
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