This morning I noticed I have an ENORMOUS muffin-top spilling out over the waistband of my favourite 3/4 jeans.
It must have come from eating too many muffins.
Then as I turned around, I caught sight of my thighs.
I don't remember eating the dugong.
Things I won't work with
10 years ago
Am I the only person who had to look up dugong?
Mirrors can be cruel at times. The good thing is, most of the time our brains let us see whatever we want to see, so in a couple of days that muffin top will have miraculously disappeared.
dugong... isn't that like a dolphin creature? Similar...?
Muffin top.. I know those. I too meet one in the mirror each day.
How can you make plump seem so funny?
I've been to Thursday Island, so I know what a dugong is, even if I've never seen one in the flesh. Ummm... I'm not certain that anyone is allowed to eat them (apart from indigenous people who are still allowed to hunt them as part of their traditions).
As for mirrors, one of the worst things about my time away was the fact that I was staying in houses that had full-length mirrors. I caught myself in the most interesting positions and really wondered when I'd got so much bigger than I am in my mind's eye.
I would like to have a full length mirror in our bedroom so that I can check how I look all over before going out to face the world. After being away (and your comments here) I'm not so certain.
I have nothing to add, but when I came to read these comments I noticed that the verification word is "ovelloni". I'm imagining ovary-shaped pasta...
Oh, thats so funny - dugong, but you know what they really are don't you? Mermaids. I think there are some in Moreton Bay.
it's anxiety lovey .... don't fret le xoxo
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