Here are Femina's tips for gaining a kilo from one Weigh-In Wednesday to the next:
1. Work in a church. This is a vital step to gaining weight. Try to find a church where many groups meet during the week - eg, playgroups, women's Bible studies etc. Ideally, they will feel sorry for the office manager who is there on her own and will bring in treats from their morning tea. Muffins and slices are particularly helpful for reaching your weight-gain goals.
2. Try to have insomnia or some kind of sleep disturbance most nights. This will leave you fuzzy-headed in the mornings and too tired to eat a proper breakfast or make your lunch, leaving you free to buy a fattening lunch at a cafe.
3. Have a couple of emotionally wobbly days. Feed your emotions with coco-pops (yes, because I'm twelve) or a nice bacon and egg brunch. Or both. Feel guilty about it - hopefully this guilt will lead to more emotional eating.
4. Attend a funeral with the most awesome catering you've ever seen. Preferably it should be the funeral of someone you knew slightly well but not very well - this means you'll be sad but not so sad that you can't get stuck into the unbelievably good cakes at the morning tea afterwards.
5. Completely forget that you're meant to be eating better until after you wipe the last sweet, sweet muffin crumb from your lips. (Oops!)
Hmmm... yeah, not a great week for me. I'm not as distraught as you'd imagine though, because if I'm honest I can't say that I was really trying hard. Or, you know.... at all. I did, however, have a fantastic workout at the gym on Saturday; and I now have vegetables in my fridge again so I'll start putting in an effort this week.
Hope you all did better than me... but if not, at least you have company! :)
Things I won't work with
10 years ago
apart from the whole office thing & funeral, I understand your week. (though I do understand about people bringing you treats, my Dad is a pastor who works in the church office lol)
My weeke was bad food wise too. I really dont know how on earth I managed to lse weight, but I am guessing Aunt Flo is leaving the building, last week she was entering. Might explain it here...
((hugs)) I hope this week goes well for you :)
It's the not-even-thinking-about-it part that gets me. People offer me muffins or whatever and I say, "Hey, great - thanks!", scoff the whole thing down and THEN think, "Oh... that's right. I wasn't going to do this anymore. Oops." (rinse, repeat)
Ugh, Aunt Flo. When I did WW I would have one week every month where I'd put on at least 1kg and sometimes 2. It was gone by the next week but it was always a shock. "I gained weight?? Oh, hang on - where's my calendar?"
I would be bad in your situation too... I dont say no to offered food, esp if there is sugar
your attitude speaks volumns ... you will move past this wee speed bump and be back on the veggie track - I just know it - le xoxo
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